Show of the Week: Thank You

Turkey’s Global Agency will be in Cannes this week with Thank You, a new feel-good format from Israeli production company Tanin Productions.

Gili Golan, CEO of Tanin, says the show’s USP is its “simplicity”.

“We want to encourage people to be good to each other, and that’s exactly what audiences like,” he adds. “That’s why I forecast this will be a huge format hit worldwide.”

In essence, each episode of the format sees a famous face – who could be a singer, businessman, politician or sportsperson, for example – surprising a person from their past who believed in their talent.

The person is sent an invitation to a party, with no clues why they have received it. As they arrive at the event, they are met by a huge gathering, including the celebrity.

The production team, including a four-person ‘Thank You Party’, has thoroughly researched the person and identified why they deserve the celebration and what can be done to help them in their current life.

A pilot in Israel saw a famous singer surprise her former vocal teacher, who was struggling financially. After throwing the party, the teacher was told her studio rent had been paid for the following two years, meaning she was able to save her vocal training business.

“There are lots of peaks towards the end of the episode,” says Golan, whose company has created formats such as Upgrade, The Money Pump and Wrong Numbers.

Furthermore, he says the weekly show can easily attract advertisers and sponsors through the gift element, and says the reveals can be transformed into social media clips with viral potential.

“It’s a cost-effective production, all built on content you can sell,” says Golan.

Global Agency is in Cannes at MIPTV shopping the format.

The show: Thank You
The producer: Tanin Productions
The distributor: Global Agency
The concept: Famous faces surprise people from their past who helped them in their early-stage careers

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