Show of the week: My Lovely Hope

Dori Media Group’s My Lovely Hope is an Argentine romantic TV series about the forbidden love involving a priest.

Airing Monday to Friday on Artear channel El Trece in the 9pm timeslot, My Lovely Hope debuted April 6 with a standout 17.3 rating. Since then, the daily series has become the second most-watched TV drama show in Argentina, after El Trece’s Turkish telenovela, 1001 Nights.

A coproduction of Israel-based Dori and Argentine actor-producer Adrián Suar’s powerful TV and film house Pol-ka Producciones, My Lovely Hope stars Argentine pop star Lali Esposito (Casi Angeles) and Mariano Martínez (Valientes).

Dori was shopping the format at NATPE Europe last month. “The eastern Europe TV market has always had Latin American telenovelas present in its grids and, from our experience, Argentine TV content remains highly valued there,” says Elena Antonini, Dori Media’s vice president of sales.

“Although this is not a rule, I daresay that when one of our telenovelas has been a hit in Argentina, it usually repeats its success in eastern Europe. As My Lovely Hope has become one of the most watched TV shows there, we think it has all the necessary ingredients to be a sales hit,” she adds.

According to Antonini, Lovely Hope “presents a classic but bold central story, surrounded by secondary conflicts. The characters are highly defined and each scene has an specific purpose which catches viewers attention. Finally, in a market where content is increasingly segmented, it attracts family audiences, which allows TV programmers a greater flexibility.”

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