Show of the Week: Who is the Real Celebrity

Who is the Real Celebrity was one of Turkey-based Global Agency’s major pushes at NATPE Europe in June, and will be on its slate at MIPCOM in October.

Having acquired rights from Japanese broadcaster Asahi just before MIPTV, the distributor has high hopes for the light-hearted comedy format. “We gave it a soft launch at MIPTV, but by NATPE we were ready to really give the show its own push, and focus on the format,” says Global Agency’s sales director Brianne Bonney.

Real Celebrity has run on Asahi in Japan for nearly a decade, in which time its popularity and ratings have grown. The original sees seven pairs of celebrities teamed together, and given a series of tasks to prove their ‘celebrity status’ such as identifying which of two bottles of champagne is a high-end product and which is a local supermarket copy.

One celeb per team makes the choice by going into either room A or B, at which point the host follows into the correct room. Those in the wrong room have luxuries such as sofas replaced by stools, and ranking reduced. “It’s just a very funny format,” says Bonney.

Eastern European buyers will find the show taps into the region’s growing interest in celebrities, she says. “Celebrity culture is not as established in those areas as in the UK or the US, but is getting stronger. This show allows channels to showcase celebrity talent in one show.”

Price-wise, Bonney says the show can feature more or less than the 14 famous faces on the Japanese show. As a relatively cost-effective format, the main investment is the fees to attract the talent. However, in Japan, the popularity of the show is such that costs have dropped, says Bonney.

The show: Who is the Real Celebrity
The producer: Asahi Broadcasting Corporation
The distributor: Global Agency
The broadcaster: Asahi Broadcasting Corporation (Japan)
The concept: Celebrity pairs prove their superstar credentials in light-hearted studio format

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