TBI’s 2024 Predictions: James Burstall, CEO, Argonon

James Burstall (Source: Argonon)

2024 is set to be a pivotal year for the global content industry, so TBI has enlisted some of the biggest names in the business to share their thoughts on the major trends of the next 12 months and how they’re going to capitalise on them.

Here, James Burstall, CEO of Argonon, discusses how the industry will begin to bounce back from last year’s downturn, the continuing growth of FAST channels and the need to expect the unexpected.

What is the biggest growth area for your company this year?

Despite the industry-wide challenges of 2023, I am cautiously optimistic about the global content market for the next twelve months after a series of positive meetings with buyers. Across the group, we’re laser-focused on driving organic growth across our portfolio of UK and US labels with many projects in funded development and active discussion. Building IP and creating premium content with international appeal is at the heart of our strategy as well as extending the life of our back catalogue of programming as the number of platforms and ways of consuming content will continue to expand in 2024.

What is the key trend going to be in 2024?

We recently announced a new CEO for our US business and further investment in our West Coast development team as we see the US market emerging from the industry downturn first, with the UK and the rest of the world to follow. Our strategy is to capitalise on the sector’s recovery as we align our business with the increased commissioning firepower of the West Coast buyers. We also anticipate a continuing thirst for content from FAST channels which is a big opportunity for content producers. And owning and exploiting IP will become increasingly important as the network / streamer funding model continues to evolve.

What is your New Year’s resolution and why?

Focus on the very best part of our industry – creativity. We are incredibly lucky to work in such a vibrant sector as TV and film and I love it. In 2024, things are going to pick up and I am excited to work with talented colleagues on disruptive innovation across platforms.

What will be the biggest headline (not involving your own company) in 2024 and why?

In this era of rapid technological change, reshaping a world already dealing with economic, climatic and geopolitical shocks – often all hitting at once – I have learnt to expect the unexpected. In our sector, headlines towards the end of the first quarter around an upturn and a return to stable and consistent growth will be most welcome…

What show are you most looking forward to in 2024?

From our own stable of shows, Argonon US CEO Joe Weinstock has just confirmed the first series commission for our Oklahoma and LA-based joint venture Rose Rock Entertainment, with the brilliant Last Chance Garage. From a personal perspective, Rivals on Disney+ promises a fascinating take on the machismo-fuelled 1980s TV sector (which fortunately I just missed). With Danny Dyer and David Tennant in lead roles, I will be hunting for clues as to which titans of the TV sector their characters are based on!

Read more from TBI’s 2024 Predictions

Tom Fussell, CEO, BBC Studios

Nomsa Philiso, CEO of general entertainment, MultiChoice Group

Marina Williams, co-CEO, Asacha Media Group

Kate Beal, founder & CEO, Woodcut Media

James Burstall, CEO, Argonon

Julian Bellamy, MD, ITV Studios

Daria Leygonie-Fialko, founder, Space Production

Rob Wade, CEO, Fox Entertainment

Frank Spotnitz, CEO, Big Light Productions

David Michel, president and co-founder, Cottonwood Media

TBI’s 2024 Predictions: Mark Fennessy, founder & CCO, Helium

Tim Mutimer, CEO Rights, Cineflix Media

Datta Dave, partner & co-founder, Tulsea

Jin Woo Hwang, president, Something Special

Sunder Aaron, co-founder and principal, Locomotive Global


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