Playground to adapt The Mermaid & Mrs Hancock

UK and US-based producer Playground has gained film and TV rights for Imogen Hermes Gowar’s best-selling novel The Mermaid & Mrs Hancock.

The book, which was published earlier this year to rave reviews, is set in 1785 London and tells the story of Jonah Hancock, a prosperous merchant and widower, whose Captain returns having exchanged Hancock’s ship and cargo for a mermaid.

The company will see Howards End (pictured) producer and Playground founder, Colin Callendar, work on the upcoming adaptation.

Callender, said: “In the tradition of Wolf Hall and Howards End we at Playground are very excited to bring to the screen Imogen’s remarkable debut novel. We are honoured that she has entrusted us with her gloriously enthralling original story.”

Melissa Gallant, creative director at Playground UK, adds: We instantly fell in love with Imogen’s extraordinary and spellbinding novel. It is such a vibrant and moving love story full of originality and purpose.”

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