Intel Media exec Eric Huggers ‘eyes Hulu role’

Intel Media’s corporate VP and general manager Erik Huggers has reportedly expressed interest in the vacant CEO role at US internet TV firm Hulu.

According to a New York Post report, Huggers, along with NBCUniversal executive VP Lauren Zalaznick and Fox Networks group president Mike Hopkins, have shown interest in the role.

Citing unnamed sources, the paper said that ABC digital chief Albert Cheng is also in the running, though Hulu is “leaning towards an internal candidate.”

The news comes a week after reports emerged claiming that Intel may miss its goal of launching its planned TV service by the end of this year as it seeks a partner with an exiting internet subscriber base or content rights.

Huggers left the BBC in 2011, where he was the broadcaster’s director of future, media and technology, to join Intel, where he is leading its nascent TV efforts.

Earlier this year he told delegates at a conference in the US that Intel was testing an over-the-top TV set-top box with a closed group of employees, but admitted it was still in talks with content providers.

The Hulu CEO role has been vacant since the departure Jason Kilar at the end of March. Since then, senior vice president of content Andy Forssell has been leading the firm on an interim basis.

This week Hulu said that senior vice president and head of advertising Jean-Paul Colaco has is also due to leave this month to “pursue one of a few new start-up opportunities he has in front of him.”

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