Bunim/Murray develops high-tech martial arts series

Unified Weapons MasterReality TV producer Bunim/Murray Productions has joined forces with Australia-based company Chiron Global to develop a high-tech Martial Arts Experience docu-competition series – Unified Weapons Master:  Calling All Contenders.

Chiron Global is the founder of combat sport Unified Weapons Master (UWM) and a leader in wearable technologies.

Bunim/Murray Productions (Keeping up with the Kardashians, Project Runway) says it will “marry its production expertise to UWM’s technology to create a revolutionary and innovative new entertainment experience for a global audience.”

Combining Chiron Global’s technology with traditional martial arts and ancient weaponry, UWM: Calling All Contenders has the features of a live video game, enabling the world’s best weapons martial artists to compete in full contact combat.

Using highly protective body armour with built in sensor technologies, skilled weapons martial artists from a wide range of martial arts and cultural backgrounds can face one another in battle for the first time with science judging the winner. The sensor technology is linked to a medical database that measures the force and location of every strike. This displays the damage that would have occurred to an unprotected competitor on a video screen and is used to decide the winner.

“We believe that UWM has massive international appeal to a diverse audience because it combines so many exciting elements that are really on trend at the moment,” says Bunim/Murray Productions CEO Gil Goldschein. “It combines weapons martial arts combat and ancient weaponry with leading edge technology and live video gaming features.”

“The data captured by our scoring system means we are able to show viewers the number of strikes, the force of individual strikes, and damage stats, all while keeping our competitors very safe,” adds UWM CEO Colin Blake. “We are then able, through CGI, to represent this damage in all sorts of exciting ways including a real-time anatomical version of actual damage to the competitors. Nothing like this has been done before.”

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