‘30% of UK adults see TV getting worse’

Around 30% of UK adults thought that the quality of TV programming got worse in 2015, according to new research by Ofcom.

The broadcast regulator’s ‘UK Audience Attitudes Towards Broadcast Media’ report found that half of viewers thought the quality of TV shows remained the same last year, while just 17% thought they had improved.

Among those who thought TV shows had got worse, the main reason was because of more repeats, which was cited by 65%. Other reasons given were ‘lack of variety’ (39%), ‘general lack of quality’ (32%) and ‘too many reality shows’ (28%).

“Adults aged 16-34 are more likely than all adults to say that TV programmes have ‘improved’ [24% vs. 17%],” said Ofcom. “Adults aged 65 and over are more likely than all adults to feel that TV programmes have ‘got worse’ [44% vs. 30%].”

Some 19% of adult viewers in the UK said they had personally found something on television offensive in the past 12 months – the same as the year before and a figure that has been “largely unchanged since 2010”.

Around four in ten adult viewers felt there was ‘too much’ violence (41%) and swearing (38%) on television, while 25% felt there was ‘too much’ sex.

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