French channel commissions girls toon

French broadcaster M6 has commissioned family entertainment company Studio 100 to produce a 52x13mins series for girls.

K3K3 will be handled by Paris-based Studio100 Animation, with production beginning at the start of the new year ahead of an end-2015 TX date.

The K3 franchise already comprises live action movies and a girls’ band. The new toon will target 6-8s and follow a pop trio as they go on an action packed world tour.

Katell France, managing director, Studio 100 Animation, said: “M6 has been involved in the development of the K3 animation series from an early stage, and their further commitment seals a trusted and ongoing partnership.”

“The K3 brand is already a licensing and merchandising success in Benelux and we strongly believe in its high potential on the international scale with the arrival of the new animation series by 2015.”

The animated K3 concept was created by Alan Gilbey and Jan Van Rijsselberge and will be directed by Eric Cazes at Studio 100 Animation. Studio100 Animation is also behind kids series such as Maya the Bee, Vic the Viking and Heidi. 

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