MIPTV News: French crime drama tops Red Arrow slate

Jo, the Jean Reno-fronted crime drama from France’s Atlantique Productions, will topline distributor Red Arrow International’s MIPTV slate.

The English-language procedural series, shot in Paris, has already sold to the likes of TV2 in Norway, Fox International Channels in a multi-territory deal, Italy’s Rai and ProSiebenSat.1 in Germany.

Also on Red Arrow’s fiction slate is spy thriller Restless, season two of Netflix and Rubicon TV-produced Lilyhammer, Israel series Ananda, dark comedy Hellfjord, Strix Drama’s latest Johan Falk movie and legal thriller The Escape Artist.

Red Arrow is also selling new Kinetic Content format The Taste, which features Nigella Lason and three other well known culinary figures who try to find a new superstar chef; and a Belgian format from prodco Shelter titled What If?, which asks questions such as ‘what if the Pop was a dog?’ and ‘what if all cops were gay’?

Dick de Rijk’s The Darn Dice and another Kinetic format, First Dance, which also has STV Productions and GroupM attached, rounds of the format slate.

Germany-based Red Arrow, which is the sales arm of global production group Red Arrow Entertainment, will also be in town with new comedies, 25 movies and factual content.


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