‘Over 50% of US millennials binge-watch daily’

Digital-headerMillennials watching TVMore than half of US millennial broadband users binge watch content on a daily basis, according to The Diffusion Group (TDG).

The research firm said that 58% of 18-34 year-olds binge daily while 86% of all adult broadband users binge view “at least occasionally”.

Frequency of bingeing is “strongly correlated with the viewer’s age”, according to the report. Some 56% of people who said they binge on content less than once a month or not at all were aged 45 and over.

“The fact that 31% of ‘Heavy Bingers’ [defined as those who binge daily] are between the ages of 18 and 24 further illustrates just howdifferent millennial viewing habits are from those of older generations,” said Michael Greeson, president and principal analyst at TDG.

“For more than a decade, TDG has predicted and observed a structural transformation in what it means to ‘watch TV,’ with viewing behavior slowly changing from an activity defined by flipping between different live shows on different networks, to one characterised by on-demand binging of individual series.”

Netflix’s push into original content is closely associated with the rise in binge-watching globally.

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