Discovery dumps Dirty Jobs

US cable network Discovery has cancelled long running reality series Dirty Jobs.

The broadcaster has ended the series, which is produced by Pilgrim Films & Television after its eighth season.

The series, which launched in 2003, follows Mike Rowe as he performs difficult, strange. disgusting and messy jobs.

Rowe, who created the series, said: “Whenever Dirty Jobs goes off the air for a few months, people start to wonder if the show has been canceled. Rumors begin to swirl, and questions about the show’s future fill my inbox. Over the years it’s been my pleasure to assure anxious fans that Dirty Jobs is coming back for another season. And indeed, we always have. Alas, this year, I’m afraid I cannot dispel the rumors. A few weeks ago, I was officially informed that Dirty Jobs had entered into a new phase. One I like to call, “permanent hiatus.” Or in the more popular industry vernacular, canceled.”

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