Electra to invest in kids producers

Electra Quoted, the media investment arm of venutre capitalist Electra Partners, has £100million ($200m) to invest in production companies and it is particularly targetting kids producers.

It is currently in talks with two more television companies following its £6 million investment in producer and distributor Target Entertainment in July. In particular, Electra – which is about to rebrand itself as Acuity Capital – wants to invest in children’s television, despite the sector’s current problems.

Its first two investments were in magazine publisher Factory Media and videogames producer Emote and Electra Quotes director Anthony Fraser foresees building a children’s brand first, which might then becomes a TV programme afterwards.

The venture capitalist is looking to invest in media companies with an “enterprise value” of approximately £20 million and typical equity value of £10 million.

Fraser says that he wants to turn Target into a “mini super indie” and to generate turnover of £26million by 2008. Fraser is former managing director of Ingenious Ventures, the private equity division of Ingenious Media.

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